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The exam regulations follow the regulations published on UHH’s website.

The China-EU School of Law (CESL) offers a PhD Programme with two branches: (1) The programme for students enrolled as PhD of Law candidates with the China University of Political Science and Law

Moot courts: Let the constitution...
With its Constitution and Constitutional Litigation courses, the China-EU School of Law (CESL) proves to be a pioneer in Chinese legal education. These courses combine lectures with practical

VIS Moot: Excitement outside the ...
Excitement outside the classroom   Photo: Vis East Moot Student teams of the China-EU School of Law keep scoring high at the Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot. In its fir...

Armin Hatje
Prof. Armin Hatje has been the European Co-Dean of the China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Science and Law since 2014. He is also a Professor for Public Law and European Law

Exam Notice: Chinese Law Taught i...
  Date Time Course Place Note Friday, November 18, 2016 8:30-9:30 Non-Profit Organizations 305 Mingfa Building Closed book examination Friday, December 2, 2016 13:30-15:30 Chinese Business Law 305

Jelena Bäumler
Prof. Jelena Bäumler joined the University of Rostock as an Assistant Professor in 2015. She teaches International Trade Law and European Economic Law. Jelena’s research focuses on International

Bert Demarsin
Bert Demarsin teaches at KU Leuven Law School, Belgium, both on the primary campus in Leuven, as on satellite campuses in Kortrijk (KULAK) and in Belgium's capital Brussels. In addition, he teaches

Ana Ramalho
Dr Ana Ramalho is a Portuguese national with policy and legal expertise in the field of Intellectual Property (IP) and European Law. Currently an Assistant Professor of Intellectual Property

Newsletter Issue 13, September 20...
亲爱的读者, 作家马克·吐温曾说过,“成功的秘密就是行动起来”。在新的学年里,我们遵循这条忠告并很高兴的迎来中国政法大学中欧法学院的第九届新生:139位年轻有前途的法律人才和我们一起开始他们的学习,包括...

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