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VIS Moot: Excitement outside the classroom

Excitement outside the classroom


Photo: Vis East Moot

Student teams of the China-EU School of Law keep scoring high at the Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot. In its first year of participation, in 2014, CESL ranked 3rd out of 99 teams from all around the globe and its team members ranked as the first and best individualists in whole competition. In 2014 and 2016, the team was awarded an Honorable Mention for the Best Claimant Memorandum. Moreover, during the Vis East Moot and its pre-moots several CESL students were honored as best oralists.

The Vis East Moot is one of the most prestigious international competitions for law students – and is also quite challenging. The team members work intensively over six months on a hypothetical international commercial arbitration case involving contracts for the international sale of goods, prepare written memoranda for both sides of the dispute (claimant and respondent), and finally plead on behalf of their clients against other student teams in front of real arbitrators. The main competition is held in Hong Kong.

Learn more about the Vis East Moot:

Coach Monika Prusinowska,