A healthier China: Conference discusses basic medical care
Over 160 legal scholars and health experts, two days, one question: What kind of basic medical care should be legally guaranteed for China’s 1.3 billion citizens?The First Chinese-European Health Law Conference in Beijing on 21 and 22 May 2016 focused on the drafting of China’s Basic Health Care Law. The conference was co-organised by Tsinghua University Law School and the China-EU School of Law. More

Photo: CESL
经过六个月紧张备战,中欧法学院Vis代表队(CESL Vis Team),在第13届Willem C. Vis (East)国际商事仲裁辩论赛中,表现出色,终获得最佳申请方书状荣誉提名奖。第三次参赛延续了以往的优异成绩。阅读更多...
CESL Team shines at Vis East Moot 2016
The China-EU School of Law’s students achieved great success at the 13th Annual Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot in April in Hong Kong. Huang Tingli, Liu Yuchi, Shi Zhong, Yang Xia and Zhang Yi earned an Honorable Mention for the Best Claimant Memorandum. They competed against students from 115 law schools from all over the world – including Harvard and Yale. More

Photo: Ana Coimbra Trigo
从昌平,到维也纳,再到纽约,作为模拟仲裁庭参赛队员Ana Coimbra Trigo,参与到促进国际贸易规则统一的联合国国际贸易法委员会工作小组。阅读更多...
Alumna Ana Coimbra Trigo works at UN Commission
First Changping, then Vienna and New York: Master of European and International Law Alumna Ana Coimbra Trigo joined a working group of the UN Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) – the commission promoting the unification of international trade regulations.More
+ More news from CESL
做国际公务员:经验分享与案例分析—— 国际法律职业系列讲座第九讲侧记
Diplomat Song Yunfu explains to master’s students how to be an international civil servant
“Open, creative and international”: H.E.Ambassador Ronald Keller tells students about the Dutch
Policymakers and academics meet at the “The China-EU School of Law as a Bridge of Legal Dialogue” evening reception
41st CUPL Track Meet: CESL student Yao Qihui scores runner-up in the shot put and third in the javelin