中方联席院长刘飞教授,欧方执行院长Clemens Richter博士
Dear readers,
We've only just celebrated the start of 2017–but in China, it is time to light your firecrackers again to celebrate another New Year: Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival, the most important holiday for Chinese. In 2017, the new Chinese Zodiac year begins on 28 January. Happy New Year of the Rooster!
What will this New Year bring? How will China and the EU deal with the question of China's market economy status? What developments in International Trade Law are important? How will China and the EU adjust key foreign policy priorities? We will debate these questions and many more at the China-EU School of Law in lectures, at events, and in publications. With a mixture of reflection and dialogue on legal issues, we wish to positively shape the New Year. We also hope for your continued support and collaboration in achieving this.
And while we get ready for the Year of the Rooster, we can practice our Mandarin: Xin Chun Kuai Le! (This is a traditional Chinese New Year greeting meaning: Happy New Year!)
Prof. Liu Fei, Chinese Co-Dean, and Dr Clemens Richter, Executive European Co-Dean

Photo: Farah
中国如何平衡经济增长和可持续发展?它如何处理国际贸易与环境保护,公共卫生,食品安全和其他WTO术语中所谓的"非贸易关切事项"(NTC)之间的冲突?在由中欧法学院支持下完成的新书里,作者对中国在这些方面做出的努力给予了肯定。这本长达550页的《国际经济法中中国对非贸易关切事项的影响》(China's Influence on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law)由Paolo Davide Farah和Elena Cima编辑而成。由42位来自欧洲,中国和印度的研究人员共同研讨中国在保护非贸易关切事项NTC方面的主导作用。阅读更多...
New book: How China can help protect Non-Trade Concerns
How does China balance economic growth and sustainable development? How does it cope with the conflicts between international trade and protection of the environment, public health, food safety and other"Non-Trade Concerns" (NTC), as they are called in WTO jargon? Quite well, authors in the new book"China's Influence on Non-Trade Concerns in International Economic Law" edited by Paolo Davide Farah and Elena Cima argue. More...

Photo: UN/Rick Bajornas CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Interning at the International Criminal Court - Interview with student Huang Tingli
Work experience is important for graduates–thus, Double Master's students are required to complete an internship in their third year. China-EU School of Law student Huang Tingli aimed high and got a position at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. CESL supported her with a return flight ticket. More...

Photo: CESL
2016年12月7日上午,中欧法学院11名2016级英文讲授中国法项目的国际学生在助理教授Monika Prusinowska的陪同下,访问英国金马伦麦坚拿律师事务所(CMS Cameron McKenna)北京代表处。CMS律师事务所是全球十大顶尖律所之一。毕于美国耶鲁大学法学院、CMS中国能源团队的高级合伙人Andrzej Blach先生以及该所律师Falk Liechtenstein博士为大家做了主题为"知识产权,以及有关知识产权跨境交易的性质"的演讲。阅读更多...
Students meet lawyers at CMS Beijing
Eleven international students from the China-EU School of Law's Chinese Law Taught in English programme met Andrzej Blach and Dr Falk Liechtenstein at the Beijing office of the British law firm CMS Cameron McKenna. Both lawyers discussed not only the differences between European and Chinese law with the students, they also focused on the cultural aspects of their work in a Sino-foreign environment. More...
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