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Nicola Bergamaschi

Post-doc researcher at Parma University

Dr. Nicola Bergamaschi (Ph.D.) is a post-doc researcher in EU law at the Department of Law, Politics and International Studies at Parma University. He received his Master, cum laude, from the Law Faculty of the University of Bologna. In July 2023 he discussed his doctoral thesis on the application of the EU law autonomy principle, at the University of Bologna. Author of several scientific contributions, his research covers different topics in the field of EU constitutional law and EU’s external action, among which: the relationship between EU law and international law; the Common Commercial Policy of the EU; the interplay between WTO law and EU law; the judicial system of the EU. Dr. Bergamaschi served as teaching assistant of international law at the University of Bologna (2019-2021) and post-doc researcher in EU law at the Legal Department of Turin University (2023). In 2021 he was stagiaire at the Court of Justice of the European Union, working in the cabinet of Judge Prof. L.S. Rossi. In 2022 he was a visiting researcher at the Maastricht Centre for European Law (Maastricht University). Currently, he is investigating the relevance of food sustainability within the EU’s trade policy.