Photo: CESL/Liu Zheng
2015年9月15日下午,中欧法学院2015-2016学年开学典礼在中国政法大学昌平校区学生活动中心学术报告厅隆重举行。中欧法学院中方联席院长刘飞教授,欧方联席院长Armin Hatje教授、欧方执行院长Clemens Richter博士、郑永流教授、岳礼玲教授、齐红博士、Alexis Vahlas教授以及学院行政老师出席。2015级中外新生及2014级双硕士参加了此次开学典礼。典礼由2015级新生孟凡钦主持。 阅读更多...
Opening ceremony celebrates start of the academic year
"To be here is a dream come true”, master’s student Zhang Zebin said at the CESL opening ceremony. Among many activities kicking off the academic year on 15 September 2015, the China-EU School of Law welcomed 99 new Chinese Master's students and 12 international students at the official opening. At the Report Hall of the Student Activities Center, Prof. Liu Fei and Prof. Armin Hatje, Co-Deans of CESL, Dr. Clemens Richter, European Executive Co-Dean, Prof. Alexis Vahlas, Prof. Zheng Yongliu, Prof. Yue Liling and Dr. Qi Hong as well as new and returning students attended the ceremony. More
无论在哪个国家,只有贷款和抵押的条款和条件为法律所保障,经济活动才能得到充分的发展。因此,我们看到了一个积极的趋势——在过去的若干年,中国、欧洲以及其他地区都已开始适用联合国国际贸易委员会(UNCITRAL)以及世界银行制订的担保交易法基本原则。这一点是马德里自治大学教授、世界银行和国际货币基金组织顾问 Ignacio Tirado教授在中欧法学院研讨会“担保交易法改革——中国与欧洲的经验比较”上得出的结论之一。
Symposium: Legal experts discuss current reforms of secured transactions law
Why is secured transactions law of importance in Europe and China? What impact do current reforms have? What lessons can be learned for the future? On 25 September 2015 more than 50 legal experts from China and Europe discussed these questions at the CESL Symposium “Reform of Secured Transactions Laws – Chinese and European Experiences Compared” in Budapest. The scholars from CESL partner institutions, CEU doctoral and master’s students, and external experts, primarily from international law firms, participated in presentations and discussions. The symposium was co-organised by the China-EU School of Law (CESL) and Central European University (CEU), a CESL partner. The findings will be published in the China-EU Law Journal. More

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CESL Vis团队队员招募中!
2015-2016学年中欧法学院Vis团队正期待你的加入。如果你有兴趣代表中欧法学院参加Vis Moot模拟仲裁庭辩论赛,敬请参照申请通知中的流程完成申请 阅读更多...
CESL students start to prepare for the 13th Vis East Moot
Students have applied to join CESL’s team for the 13th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot. The new round of the programme runs until March 2016. The Willem C. Vis East International Arbitration Moot (the Vis East Moot) at Hong Kong is the sister moot to the competition for law students held in Vienna each year. Both moots aim at promoting the training of tomorrow's legal leaders in methods of aternative dispute resolution. For the second time in a row at the 12th Vis East Moot, no other law school from Mainland China was able to outrank CESL. Only the teams from Tsinghua University and Peking University shared the same rank as CESL. More
+ More news from CESL
CESL organises workshop on LexisNexis and Westlaw
Registration: CESL administration, students and volunteers guide new intakes
Alumni Rémi Rivoal was selected to intern in the Legal Service of the European Commission