In the preparation to the Vis Moot competition, on 22 January 2018, the China-EU School of Law (CESL) Vis Team practiced in front of real arbitration lawyers from AnJie law firm. Lawyers Arthur Dong and Darren Mayberry offered their advice to the CESL students. “One important rule for a good oral presentation in arbitration is a clear and logical delivery of your arguments”, Darren Mayberry, for instance, explained.

The practice round was followed by a number of questions the students asked in particular about the advocacy style. Student Zheng Yan worried about the non-verbal communication: “I find it a bit difficult to concentrate on the content of my arguments and keep the contact with the whole tribunal at the same time and the suggestions I received were very helpful”.

"Training with real lawyers is one of the most precious experiences our students can get,” says Assistant Professor Monika Prusinowska, coach of the CESL Vis Team. “I am very thankful that every year AnJie lawyers are able to find time to work with our students and help them to boost their skills as future practitioners.”