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Professional Training

Courses for judges, prosecutors, lawyers and civil servants

The China-EU School of Law (CESL) considers itself as a law school for Chinese and European jurists at all stages of their professional life. We do not only offer study programmes for graduates and postgraduates, but also offer legal training to judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other legal professionals. Our high-quality training courses focus on the participants with lecturers developing topics and methods tailored to their needs.

The range of courses covers everything from basics for young practitioners to advanced seminars for senior practitioners on dynamic and complex current topics. This way, CESL makes sure each course meets the participants’ professional and didactic expectations. After the course, successful participants receive a certificate demonstrating the achieved qualification.

The China-EU School of Law is a well-established institution for Chinese-European legal training. Since 2008, courses have enabled almost 8,000 prosecutors, judges, lawyers and civil servants to expand their knowledge in a multitude of legal fields within European and international law.

Furthermore, with these training programmes, CESL aims to enhance knowledge of the Chinese legal profession with regard to European and International Law, as well as to develop relevant practical skills in the major legal professions. At the same time, the programme will strive to educate European professionals involved in legal and business transactions with China on Chinese law. Accordingly, CESL will become a forum for expertise and for the exchange of knowledge between Chinese and European legal professionals.

Preparing legal professionals for a globalised world

Different legal professions have different legal and practical needs. CESL offers concise and practically oriented tailor-made courses with in European, international and comparative law including practical legal skills and current legal issues.

Most training courses were organized in collaboration with the Chinese National Prosecutors College, the National Judges College and lawyers’ associations in both China and Europe. CESL’s network includes more than 16 universities and 28 associates from all over the world.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact

Ms Chen Yingfang

Foreign Affairs and Professional Training Office

China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Science and Law

Tel.: +86-10- 5991-5784
