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CESL and Tilburg University intensify dialogue on tax law

The China University of Political Science and Law's China-EU School of Law and School of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law as well as the Dutch Tilburg University's "Tax Law Project" have renewed their collaboration on tax law research and teaching. Scholars, practitioners and students intensively shed light on Chinese and Dutch tax law at a workshop on 2 April in Changping. "In the global battle on economic competitiveness, tax law codes become increasingly important, also in China, "Shi Zhengwen, Professor of Tax Law and the Director of the Center for Fiscal and Tax Law Research at the China University of Political Science and Law, pointed out in his opening. "To better steer development in this field, we are happy to gain insights into the Netherlands' tax law system and, in exchange, welcome the Netherlands to study China's approach."

Prof. Shi Zhengwen

Prof. Shi and Associate Professor Weng Wuyao introduced the audience to the Chinese tax system. Subsequently, Dr Gerard Staats, Assistant Professor at Tilburg University and Senior Manager at the tax consultancy firm BDO International, and Esther Bakker, LL.M., Tilburg University Lecturer in Law anda former Ernst & Young consultant specializing in indirect tax systems, explained the Dutch system. They also presented the master's programme in Tax Law at Tilburg University and encourged Chinese students to apply for it. Assistant Professor Monika Prusinowska and Dr Zhao Tianshu explained how the China-EU School of Law promotes China-EU legal dialogue on tax law within its study and research programmes.

Dr Gerard Staats

Author: Tao Zhilin (student from the China-EU School of Law's 2017 intake)

Photo: Zhang Huaiwen (student from School of Civil, Commercial and Economic Law's 2017 intake)