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Yu Jihai, the deputy director of Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of Chinese Ministry of Education, visited CUPL

In the afternoon of 7 April 2017, the deputy director of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Chinese Ministry of Education, Yu Jihai attended a meeting at the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) concerning amendments to the”Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools”. At the meeting, Ma Huaide, Vice-President of CUPL, provided legal training as an expert on administrative law to the working group which currently is drafting the amendment.

Before the meeting, Ma Huaide had reported on the China-EU School of Law (CESL) on behalf of CUPL to deputy director Yu Jihai. Ma Huaide expressed his hopes that the Ministry of Education will continue to support CESL in the future. Yu Jihai assured that he noticed that CESL as an intergovernmental, jointly-run education programme has “obtained great achievements” since its establishment in 2008. It would be good if CESL continued to offer its education programmes and “became better and better” in the future, he said. Currently, the Chinese Ministry of Education gives consideration to further support CESL and also considers integrating CESL into the "EU-China Higher Education Platform for Cooperation and Exchange".

This meeting was the fifth workshop of the working group in 2017. The draft of the amendment comprises several chapters of “Measures for Implementation of Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Cooperatioon in Running Schools“. Yu Jihai expressed his gratitude to the experts who contributed to the draft.

The following experts and scholars attended this meeting: Yan Bingchen, chief of the Foreign Education and Supervision Division of the International Department of the Ministry of Education; Li Yanguang, director of the Department of America and Oceania Affairs of the China Scholarship Council; Tang Zhenfu, vice-director of the Department of the Guarantee of Quality of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools in the China Education Association for International Exchange, Jiang Shuichang, vice-director of the Department of Development Planning of CUPL; Li Dandan, office director of the Confucius Institute; Lin Hua, associate professor of the Research Center of Government By Law, and more than twenty other experts and scholars from Beijing Foreign Studies University, Chongqing University of Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Qingdao University, and Shanghai Education Evaluation Institute.

News originally from CUPL website: http://news.cupl.edu.cn/info/1011/23523.htm

English translation by Huang Heyun (CESL double master’s student from the 2015 intake)