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China-EU School of Law has launched a new activity “What’s Up the World?”

“What’s Up the World?” sessions are aimed at enabling students and faculty to discuss the most tempting global issues, especially those related to law. In the bi-weekly meetings, we seek to look at the variety of issues around us. This includes: climate change, WHO and Covid-19 handling,the role of the UN Security Council and its effectiveness in maintaining legal order and preventing inter-State legal disputes and much more.

In these meetings, we try to understand what all of these issues mean for us, as individuals, for China, and for the rest of the world. We engage in a dialogue not only to decode the meaning of the discussed changes, but also to better understand the cultural and legal differences between various countries.

“What’s Up the world?” gathers the CESL faculty and students from all the school’s programs. The activity is organized by Prof. Monika Prusinowska as an online meeting.