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CESL Assistant Professor Monika Prusinowska and Alumna Zhao Chunlei on the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment

On 30 December 2020, China and the European Union concluded an agreement in principle on investment (Comprehensive Agreement on Investment, CAI). This happened after 35 rounds of negotiations that were initiated already in 2014. The CAI is expected to replace the current bilateral investment arrangements between China and individual EU member states and create a new framework for the future investment.

Yet, the fate of the CAI remains unclear as there is a need for finalizing the Agreement and obtain approvals on both sides. The situation becomes even more complicated given the current political instability and mutual sanctions.

CESL Assistant Professor Dr. Monika Prusinowska researches the topic and prepared an interview with a number of specialists in the field. It was currently published in the second issue of the Asia-Pacific Interest Group Newsletter by the American Society of International Law. CESL alumna, Dr. Zhao Chunlei, a researcher at the Institute for International Dispute Settlement, Tsinghua University participated as one of the interviewees.

You can find the whole interview on this important issue featuring all the interview participants here: https://www.asil.org/sites/default/files/documents/Spring-Summer-2021-Issue-v1.pdf