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Prof.Pusinowska explains how International Business Law is being impacted by COVID-19

On May 21, 2020, China-EU School of Law Assistant Professor Dr. Monika Prusinowska delivered an open lecture on the topic “COVID-19 and its Impact on International Business Law”. Held as a virtual lecture over Zoom, CESL students logged in from both China and Europe to hear Prof. Prusinowska discuss this timely subject from Poland.

After a brief introduction by Executive Co-Dean Monty Silley, Prof. Prusinowska went through a detailed presentation that touched upon areas of both contract law as well as international dispute resolution, which is her area of expertise. Specific attention was drawn to the concepts of force majeure and the doctrine of impossibility of performance, for contracts that both predated COVID-19, as well as newer ones that were entered in 2020. In addition, Prof. Prusinowska analyzed measures that are being taken by States around the world to prevent the spread of the virus and how these may give rise to some foreign investment dispute claims in the future. Finally, the shift to online arbitrations was touched upon. At the end there was also time for any questions.

Despite the campus still being closed and students separated by far distances, CESL continues to find ways to keep all students engaged in the vibrant academic environment they are used to. Discussing timely topics such as this encourages students to be aware of the latest developments in law and consider how different legal systems are dealing with the significant impact on international transactions. The lecture was recorded for any CESL students who would like to review the contents. The School again thanks Prof. Prusinowska for holding this insightful open lecture.