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Professor Zheng Yongliu published a paper in China Legal Science: Jurisprudence has inherent intersection

The nature of jurisprudence has always been controversial.Zheng Yongliu,theprofessor of the China-EU School of Law at China University of Political Science and Law, writes a response to this question inhis paper. “The Principle of 'Crossover' Research and Application of Law.” This paper has beenpublished inChina Legal Science.

Theinherent intersectionof legal principles is down to the multidimensional legitimacy standard of law. There are several factors that give rise to statute law,which is the most important formof lawincontemporary society. The law is plural, and the statute is dynamic. These two judgments constitute the basis for the study and application of the law both by doctrinal and non-doctrinal studies. Regarding these two method, its jurisprudence itself has an inherent interrelationship and contains doctrine and non-doctrinal knowledge.However,there is still a lot of debate between the two, which is unique.

The thought about interdisciplinary construction expressed by Professor Zheng Yongliu in the paper is the same as the instruction published by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and National Development and the Reform Commission on 8thof August 2018.

Some points made were that deepening reform and exploring the road of first-class university needs to optimise the discipline layout. This means that we should break down barriers among traditional disciplines by way of the 'World-class universities and world-class disciplines'construction discipline, by way of which takes the dominant characteristic discipline as the main body, the relevant discipline as the core. This supports the relevant traditional discipline resources and promotes the cross-integration of basic and applied disciplines in order to cultivate new disciplines.