In 2017, the Institute for Legal Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research of Law has achieved abundant results. Prof. Zheng Yongliu, the Director of the Institute, published an article in German entitled “Interdisciplinary legal research”(“Interdisziplinarität der Rechtswissenschaft”)in a commemorative publication of the German jurist Prof. Ulfrid Neumann. The Chinese publishing house Commercial Press selected his translation of the legal classic “The Struggle for Law” (original title“Der Kampf ums Recht”) for the book series “Chinese Translations of Major Academic Works”. Meanwhile, the final report of the research project on Constitution and Constitutional litigation with approximately 200,000 words was completed. Adjunct researchers Chen Jinghui, Fan Libo, Zhu Qingyu and PhD students published theses in the fields of legal philosophy and civil law. Additionally, the Institute successfully held four workshops on interdisciplinary legal researchwith numerous legal experts and scholars . Students organizedweekly workshops on legal philosophyand studied classic works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and Joseph Raz.
Article by Wu Ziyu, CESL double master’s student from the 2016 intake