On 14 December 2017, the China-EU School of Law students celebrated a New Year’s Eve Party on campus. Although they are busy learning for their exams, they prepared several small shows.
An enthusiastic dance indicated the beginning of the party. Then, Prof. Liu Fei, Chinese Co-Dean, gave a short welcome speech and expressed his wishes to all students to have a great new year. Prof. Zheng Yongliu challenged students with an antithetical couplet, a Chinese poem, encouraging them to think. Professor Xie Libin gave a comic talk entitled “Who is Professor Xie Libin?”. Second-year student Li Qi and Chinese Law Taught in English student Jannes Harry Roller sang the song “I Want It That Way” together. A fine example of international exchange between China and Europe in CESL. Second-year student Wei Shuai performed a piece from the traditional Chinese opera.
Afterwards, several students dance pushed everyone’s enthusiasm to a higher level. Student Sun Leimeng played the guitar and sang the song “Zebra Zebra”. And first-year student Chen Rongbin performed a magic show entitled “The Disappearing Water”; Song Yirong read us a beautiful poem “Prophecy” by He Qifang; Han Xu performed an Indian Dance which was very passionate. Both first and second year students together presented a wonderful fashion show- CESL’s Secret.
What’s more, students produced a musical composed of four scenes. The first scene was called “Jianjia, the Green”. It was a story about a freshman asking a sophomore about the direction. The second one was “Love from a Great Distance”, a story about a student who couldn’t be together with his family and his lover. The third one was “Cold Pine Tree in Light Snow”, talking about a story of a student and a plumber. The last one was “Winter Comes with New Year”.
Article by Xue Jinhua, CESL Double Master Student from 2017 intake