On 15 November, Professor Yue Liling, who teaches Chinese Criminal Justice in English, and her Chinese and international studentsobserved a criminal trial at the Changping District People’s Court. Before the trial, judges ofthe Changping District People’s Court welcomed Professor Yue Liling and the students from the China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Science and Law and gave an introduction to the court.
Chief Judge Ou Chunguang and two assessors opened the trial at 9 a.m.. The case concerned a man standing trial for contract fraud. Professor Yue Liling translated simultaneously to international students. Since the defendant disputed the amount of money given in the indictment, the judges decided to arrange for further investigation of the case. The court adjourned.
After the trial, Chief Judge Ou Chunguang answered questions by the students: what are the differences between civil fraud and criminal fraud? How can in this case the actual amount of money be determined? What is the role that the assessors play in the trial?
"This learning outside school made it possible for both Chinese andinternational students to closely observe a Chinese trial,” student Wang Yijia said. “It enables us students to get a better understanding of the impact of law and to learn more about legal theories and legal practice.”
Authors:: Wang Yijia, Tao Zhilin (CESL Double Master’s students from the 2016 intake)