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China-EU School of Law photo competition for students, scholars and practitioners

1st prize: Kindle eBook Reader

Over 10,000 Chinese and Europeans have taken part in the China-EU School of Law’s teaching, research and professional training activities since 2008. That is why the China-EU School of Law is organising the photo competition “10,000 points of view". Organisers are looking for the personal highlights of students, legal scholars and practitioners: What kind of people did they meet on campus? Which perspective do we not know yet? Which place holds special meaning to them? What moments did they cherish? Please e-mail your entry with your name and a short sentence describing your pictures to ursula.zipperer@uni-hamburg.de.

The ten best entries will be selected by a jury of China-EU School of Law students and staff. They will be exhibited in jumbo-size on the Changping campus in 2018 and shared via the School‘s social media channels. Criteria: Reference to the China-EU School of Law, creativity of the idea, and technical quality (high resolution). The closing date is 10 January 2018. Multiple entries are allowed. Organisers explicitly are also interested in photos that captured moments from the past decade. Participants are giving the China-EU School of Law permission to use any photos submitted. All China-EU School of Law students and alumni as well as affiliated legal scholars, staff and practitioners are allowed to take part.

  • 1st prize: Kindle Paperwhite eBook Reader

  • 2nd to 10th prize: China-EU School of Law T-shirt.