The China-EU School of Law (CESL) welcomed 161 new students as the 2017-2018 academic year kicked offon 4 September. It was one of the largest enrollments in recent years. The 2017-18 Opening Ceremony in the Academic Hall on Changping campus provided the first-year students with an opportunity to find out more about their programmes in Chinese, European and International Law, talk to the faculty and staff and get to know fellow students whilst engaging in a range of welcome activities.
There was also a special orientation for the 22 international students studying in the Chinese Law Taught in English programme. Moreover, double master’s students from the 2016 intake and new PhD students participated in the ceremony.
In her opening speech, Dr Qi Hong, representative from the Chinese faculty, compared life to a marathon and expressed her hopes that students work hard on the one kilometer CESL represents in this marathon.
Professor Alexis Vahlas from the University of Strasbourg also asked the students to work hard and to achieve their goals in the forthcoming year. He also expressed his wish for the students to build a bridge between China and Europe.
Du Zehua, double master’s student from the 2016 intake, shared his first-year experience with the audience and quoted Professor Liu Fei’s advice from the 2016 opening ceremony, when the Chinese Co-Dean told the students: “You need to find your own independent way.”
Brendan Thomas Rooney, Chinese Law Taught in English student from Trinity College Dublin, introduced his motherland Ireland to his fellow students. He expressed his wish to get to know other legal systems and experience the Chinese culture at the China-EU School of Law.
Wang Xiaotong, student from the Master of European and International Law programme, asked three questions: “Who am I? Why am I here? What am I heading for?” These three questions could guide students through their year.
Xie Shulin, double master’s student from the 2017 intake, called upon fellow students to fully embrace the new life at CESL.
Dr Clemens Richter, European Executive Co-Dean, warned about a large workload in the master’s programmes and gave students sometime management tips that will make it easier to make good progress in the legal studies.
Finally, Professor Liu Fei, Chinese Co-Dean, pointed out that Chinese and European students often are used to different learning styles. Subsequently, he asked all students for “mutual respect and understanding”, asking the Chinese students to familiarise themselves with English-speaking classes as soon as possible and to establish a harmonious relationship with the international students.
Text by Tao Zhilin, double master’s student from the 2017 intake and host of the 2017-18 Opening Ceremony