Huge success for the China-EU School of Law’s students: After six months of persistent practice, Huang Tingli, Liu Yuchi, Shi Zhong, Yang Xia, and Zhang Yi earned an Honorable Mention for the Best Claimant Memorandum at the 13th Annual Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot from 6 to 13 March 2016 in Hong Kong. The China-EU School of Law competed against 115 law schools from all over the world, including Harvard University, Yale University, Singapore Management University, Bond University, and the University of Zurich. It is the third time the China-EU School of Law’s students successfully participate in the Vis East competition.

"In this highly competitive competition, the team’s performance really was impressive”, Assistant Professor Monika Prusinowska said afterwards. She trained the team together with Professor Susan-Gale Wintermuth and Double Master’s student Lin Xi. All five team members study in the Double Master programme.

University of Mannheimvs CESL
The moot involves a dispute arising out of a contract of sale between two countries. In the four general rounds, the China-EU School of Law’s team came up against teams from Hidayatullah National Law University from India, University College London from the UK, Universitas Pelita Harapan from Indonesia and the University of Mannheim from Germany. Among the arbitrators arbitrating the rounds in the competition were Prof. Ingeborg Schwenzer, leading authority on CISG, and Dr. Nikolaus Pitzkowitz, the Vice President of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre.

Universitas Pelita Harapan vs CESL
The winner of the 13thVis East Mootwas the Chinese University of Hong Kong, one of the teams the China-EU School of Law’s Vis team had faced in a pre-moot. Just before the main competition in Hong Kong, the Changping team had taken part in the Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Pre-Moot Workshop co-organized by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Chinese Initiative on International Law and Fangda Partners law firm with 13 other law schools. In the six months before, the five students had prepared themselves in further pre-moots such as the CIETAC Cup and the Shanghai Moot, they visited AnJie and DaHui law firms for rounds with practitioners, they invited Tsinghua University’s Vis moot team for common practice, and they went through a number of online hearings with several teams from all around the world, including teams from the University of Hamburg in Germany, National Law University Odisha in India, and Bond and Deakin University in Australia.

Gala Dinner during which CESL Team was awarded Honorable Mention for the Claimant

Article by Yang Xia and Shi Zhong (Double Master’s students from 2014 intake)
Photographs by Monika Prusinowska