What is it like to practice law? Master of European and International Law students got a first impression from 28th March to 1th April while taking part in the moot court and arbitration course. During such moot courts, student teams work intensively on a hypothetical court case, prepare submissions, and lastly plead on behalf of their party against other teams in front of benches of judges or law professors.

At the China-EU School of Law, Professor Hinrich Julius first gave a lecture about international arbitration and the Assistant Professors and tutors Christian Steger, Francisco Costa-Cabral, Frederic Helsen, Monika Prusinowska, Pierre Durand, and Stine von Förster gave instructions to the students and trained their presentation skills.

Students were divided into three groups and each group was guided by two tutors. The final course grade was a result of the grades for the group work (70%) and the moot court competition (30%). After two rounds of competition in the afternoon of 30 March and morning of 1 April, Lakshmi Menon and Chen Jiabao who represented the claimant, the counsels of respondent Sun Kairui and Long Chaoheng entered the final moot court competition. After nearly two hours, Lakshmi Menon and Chen Jiabao became the winners.

Article by Zhang Xuxu, double master’s student from the 2014 intake
Photos by Christian Steger