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Taster week: Summer Camp informs prospective students

What does the China-EU School of Law look like? Is the study programme suite me? Before you start post-graduate study, there is much to think about. Thus the China-EU School of Law (CESL) organises the 2016 CESL Summer Camp. 70 Chinese bachelor’s students from 40 universities in 20 Chinese cities will visit Changping Campus and Xueyuanlu Campus between 12 and 15 July 2016. This includes 82.9% from 211 and 985 universities.

The programme offers an extensive range of information and advice that will support the students in their individual choice of study. 246 students had applied for the taster week. Summer Camp participants will have the possibility to attend lectures on the latest EU-China legal issues, speak to senior students and meet Dr. Marco Haase from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, orGIZin short, an organisation that specialises in international development, at the European Delegation to China and Mag Arnold Obermayr at the Austrian Embassy. Students are awarded an certificate of participation afterwards.

The 2016 CESL Summer Camp is part of the China University of Political Science and Law’s Graduate School’s Summer Camps and organised by the China-EU School of Law.

Full programme in Chinese and English   2016 CESL Summer Camp Agenda.pdf