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Invitation to "Academic Annual Conference 2016 -- E-Commerce Law Forum"

On Thursday, 20 October 2016, the China-EU School of Law at the China University of Political Science and Law organize the "Academic Annual Conference 2016- E-Commerce Law Forum" in Beijing.

The size and growth rate of the e-commerce market in China with more than 721 million Internet users is unique. With the dramatic growth of e-commerce in recent years, the Chinese legislation on e-commerce needs to keep up, in both regulatory theory and practice. The European Union, a market with 530 million internet users, also faces challenges in the regulation of e-commerce due to the fast changing technology. In China, there is a general agreement for the further need of legislation in the field of e-commerce. A draft for a new “e-commerce law” compiled by experts was issued in early 2016. Both China and the EU are facing common legislation challenges to regulate many difficult issues such as transaction security, consumer protection, digital content etc. brought by fast growing e-commerce where legislation and regulations are left behind. During this academic conference legal scholars and experts will meet to exchange ideas on e -commerce legal reform and its challenges

For free registration and further information please contact Malin Späth, China-EU School of Law Research, by e-mail at malin.spaeth@jura.uni-hamburg.de

Provisional list of the speakers (In no particular order):

Mr. MengZhaoping, Member of the Ecommerce Law Legislation Group of the Finance and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress, commissioner of the Policy and Law Committee of the China Ecommerce Society

Mr. Li Haiying, Direktor of the Law Department of Policy and Economic Research Insitute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

Mr. Ala MuSi, Deputy Director, Committee of Policies and Laws, China

Mr. Lung Wan Pun , Legal Expert, Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific, UNCITRAL - United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Nations

Prof. Armin Hatje, Hamburg University

Prof. Zheng Sophia Tang, School of Law, Newcastle University

Prof. Xue Hong, Normal University Beijing, Member of the Ecommerce Law Legislation Group of the Finance and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress

Prof. Shen Kui, Peking University

Prof. Zhao Xudong, China University of Political Science and Law

Prof. Li Aijun, China University of Political Science and Law

Prof. Zhang Zhiyuan, East China University of Political Science and Law

Dr. Liu Quan, Doctor of Peking University, Lecturer of Central University of Finance and Economics

Dr. Ma Yun, Doctor of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Lecturer of China University of Political Science and Law

Zhou Xiangjian, Vice General Manger of the Enterprise Group of Guangdong Appolo

Dr. Clemens Richter, Executive European Co-dean of CESL

Prof. Liu Fei, Chinese Co-dean of CESL, Professor of China University of Political Science and Law