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The China-EU School of Law (CESL) offers a PhD Programme with two branches:

(1) The programme for students enrolled as PhD of Law candidates with the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL)

These students are offered a series of lectures on selected topics of general importance by prominent Chinese professors. In addition, they can attend courses in the Master of European and International Law programme held in English by European professors from CESL’s European partner universities. The PhD degree will be awarded by CUPL.

(2) The Research Stay Scholarships for visiting PhD candidates

PhD students of law or PhD students in sinology, sociology or political science with a focus on law enrolled in a university located in the EU may come to CESL for a research stay. They will be provided with a Chinese co-tutor. The PhD degree will be awarded by their home institution.

PhD of Law candidates of CUPL are eligible for a research stay at one of CESL’s European partner universities. They will be provided with a European co-tutor.

More information on the Research Stay Scholarships for PhD candidates