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Student Association

In 2016, Meng Fanqin was elected as chairman of the Graduate Student Council, with Li Xinlong and Chen Lingyu being elected as Vice-Chairmen.

The functions of the CESL Student Union include:

a) Representing the rights and interests of all CESL students. To the interior, providing service in every aspect such as study, life, work and practice, hearing the voices of members and meeting the needs that are legal, reasonable, and not violate this Charter, and reporting affairs to the School administration which are beyond its authority. To the external, playing a good role of bridge and connection, cooperating with the School administration teachers dealing with the communication work, making sure that the information communication between members and the School is fluent and unobstructed, guaranteeing that the School understands students’ changing needs, and issuing solutions in time. At the same time, the Union should reinforce the communication and cooperation with postgraduate students’ unions of other Schools and postgraduate students’ organizations of other Universities, place importance on the contact with social groups, study unions, and make its efforts providing study opportunities and setting up practice platforms outside classroom for all members.

b) On the basis of mutual respect and equality, safeguarding the interests of international students, and offering sufficient help in their study, life and other aspects. Being aware of the needs of international students, and consulting their opinions and suggestions. Based on the Union itself and with cooperation with the School administration, to solve actual existed problems promptly and fully. Enhancing communication between Chinese and international students, and promoting our affections and friendship through various ways, in order to contribute CESL a harmonious family where Chinese and western legal talents could learn from each other and coexist friendly.

The Union is composed of a presidium and the functional departments.

The Union has five functional departments in total, which are: The Office, Department of Sports, Department of Art, Department of Propaganda, and Department of Academic.

The presidium is composed of one President and two Vice-Presidents. Each department is presided by two Ministers.

The Presidium adopts collective responsibility.

The Presidium is responsible for the general operation of the Union, leading and supervising the functioning of the departments and communicating and coordinating with the School administration.

The division of work within the Presidium is decided together by members of the Presidium and announced to all members in the Union.

The functions of each department are as follow:

A. The Office: managing the incomes and expenses of the activity fees of the departments, drafting documents of the Union, arranging meetings and materials, maintaining assets of the Union, coordinating between and supervising over other departments, and so on.

B. The Department of Sports: organizing and preparing for sport events of the School, such as organizing students represent the School to participate in University-level sport events, preparing and organizing School-level sport events and so on.

C. The Department of Art: organizing recreational activities for students and the School, and so on.

D. The Department of Propaganda: promoting activities of the School, building and managing media service platforms of the Union (such as the WEIBO、public e-mail box、home page and so on).

E. Department of Academic: organizing lectures and academic activities between teachers and students and so on.

Each Department has a clear division of work and responsibility, and cooperate with each other under the unitary leadership of The Presidium, thus making the Postgraduate Student Union an organic whole, therefore maximizing the function to serve Chinese and international students, in order to turn CESL into an international platform for legal study as well as a China-Western combined cultural communication field, continuously we will make efforts.